Monday, November 21, 2011

Character Interview with Nate Hughes

I'm really excited for this interview! 

We met Nate Hughes, photojournalist at KHB-TV, in FADE TO BLACK where he supports his best friend Rich Spencer, even when he doesn't agree. Then we got to know him better in IN IT TO WIN IT as he takes on the role of Jane's right-hand man. Between the two books he graduates from a news photographer to shooting sports. Nate has his own story to tell. 

Today, though, we're going to talk about his take on his friends. I’ve come to the KHB newsroom and we’re hanging out in the conference room.

MK: “Thanks, Nate, for doing this.”

NH: “My pleasure. Believe me, I wanna stay on your good side.”

MK: I laugh. “That sounds like very sound reasoning.”

NH: He laughs. “Yeah, no shit.”

MK: “I’ll make this as painless as I can. Not that I don’t love you, and the public doesn’t want to know all about you, but today I’d like to talk about your role in the lives of those around you.”

NH: He groans. “You’re gonna tell my story, aren’t you?”

MK: I laugh. “I can’t confirm nor deny that.”

NH: He shakes his head. “Well, hell. Should I be nervous?”

MK: “You tell me.”

NH: He scrubs his face. “Ah, shit. I was just kiddin'.”

MK: “Don’t panic, my friend, it’ll be a while.”

NH: He sighs and his whole body relaxes.

MK: “Let’s talk about Jane and Grayson.”

NH: He nods. “Sure. What do you wanna know?”

MK: “What’s your impression of Grayson Pierce?”

NH: “Ya know, I think he’s one hell of a ball player. But I gotta admit I was skeptical of him and Jane. She’s a great person and she deserves the very best.” He shrugs and smirks, then nods. “She got it, too.”

MK: “So you and Jane are close?”

NH: “Yeah. She’s the little sister I always wanted.” He laughs. “And she tells me I’m the big brother she never wanted. Roxie loves her.”

MK: “How long have you and Roxie been together?”

NH: His lips purse and he seems to get lost in thought for a moment. He smiles. “Forever. It seems that way, at least. We met in college.”

MK: “At UNLV, right?”

NH: He nods.

MK: “Isn’t that where you met Rich too?”

NH: “Yeah, Rich and I were roommates.”

MK: “You were there for Rich when his life fell apart. How is he now?”

NH: He flashes a huge smile. “Rich and Kate are great. Man, I had my doubts on that whole thing being anything more than a train wreck. Rich is closer than any brother and watching him struggle was … well, it was really tough. There was a time I hated Kate like I’ve never hated anyone before—or since. I wanted to strangle her for what she was putting him through.” He shakes his head. “I’m glad I didn’t, ‘cause they’re real good together. And I’m too pretty to go to jail.”

We both break out laughing.

MK: “Tell me about KHB. Do you prefer news or sports?”

NH: “I love KHB. There are those who come and go, but for the most part we’ve all been here for a long time. It makes for a tight knit group. Sometimes I miss the hard news, the frantic schedule of it. But I’m a guy. I’d have to turn in my mancard if I didn’t prefer sports.”

MK: “We wouldn’t want that.”

NH: “No. We wouldn’t. My Foxie Roxie’d be pretty upset about that.”

MK: “That’s all I have. You got anything you wanna add?”

NH: “Um … only that I hope my story is really far down on your list.”

MK: “I will tell you it’s far enough down you probably have a year to breathe.”

NH: “Good to know, Morgan.”

If you haven’t met Nate already, grab a copy of FADE TO BLACK or IN IT TO WIN IT and get up close and personal with the man who takes friendship to another level!  

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