It's July 17th and I'm feeling like a PARTY!
This celebration is chock FULL of great 17's!
Did you know...
Seventeen is the least random number?
The band
Smashing Pumpkins has a song that is
17 seconds long. It has no vocals, but comes with a poem which, when read at a standard speed will finish at the end of the song?
The fear of the number 17 is called 'heptadecaphobia' or 'heptakaidekaphobia'?
The middle verse in the New Testament is Acts 17:17?
How about...
King Tutankhamen was wrapped in 17 cloths?

Sjutton (
17) is also a swear word in Swedish. It's used in phrases like Sjutton ocks! (Blast it!) or Fy sjutton! (Disgusting!)?
There are 17 stars circling the flying eagle on the gold US one dollar coin?
Seventeen bones make up the human spinal column; 12 thoracic and 5 lumbar?
17 of the 20 largest hotels in the world are located in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Some tidbits from the world of baseball about the number 17:
Jay Hanna "Dizzy" Dean wore 17 when he pitched for the Saint Louis Cardinals from 1930-1937. His 17 jersey number was the first 17 retired by a MLB team.
There have only been 17 perfect games thrown in baseball history, making it one of the rarest accomplishments in the game.
The shape of home plate changed from a twelve-inch square to a five-sided figure seventeen inches wide.
also wears 17 between his shoulder blades.
Excerpt: Prayers
did come true apparently. Xavier stood in left field, praying the ball wouldn’t
come his way. Top of the ninth and the thing had avoided him like he had the
plague or some shit.
Even better, there was an out. Two more and he could be
done acting like he was a-okay.The runner on third led off.The crack of the bat made X’s blood
The bastard runner tagged up on third and headed home.
Instinct took over. Xavier eyed the
ball coming directly at him. He watched it fall from the sky like manna from
heaven to land with a solid thump in his glove. Without thought, he cocked his
arm back and sent the ball on a one-way ticket home.
His shoulder hollered.
So did he.
Arizona's ONLY Romance Reader Event?
Early bird ticket prices expire on July 31st, 2012.
It takes 17 muscles to produce a smile.
Seventeen is oh, so, super sexy because...
today, July 17th, a "few" years ago
I was born.
bestselling author of
contemporary romance,
starring sexy baseball players.
Thank you so much for celebrating
my birthday with me!
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